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Update October 21: You may buy the DVD on line, or stream to view the movie. For details, click HERE.

This lecture consists of a screening of the 59-minute award-winning documentary “Prisoners in Paradise”, directed and produced by Camilla Calamandrei, followed by a discussion facilitated by Dante Society member John Ghersi.

During World War II more than 51,000 Italian soldiers were brought to the United States as Prisoners of War. “Prisoners in Paradise,” traces the previously untold story of these young men, their romances and friendships with American women, and their significant — but unrecognized — contribution to the Allied war effort.

Featuring rare period footage of POW camps, “Prisoners in Paradise” follows six Italian POWs (and the women they met in America) on their extraordinary journey—full of challenges, love, perseverance, and good luck. Captured primarily in Northern Africa, where they had been surviving on hard biscuits and water, the Italian POWs were amazed at the abundance of food in the USA and the generosity of their captors. Ironically, for many, capture had turned out to be a stroke of good fortune.*

*Taken from https://www.prisonersinparadise.com/trailer/, with permission of Camilla Calamandrei

This film is unrated and may include mature content.

Additional information on the film can be found at the movie’s web site:
Prisoners in Paradise

IMDB.com is limited in information on the movie

Note: All lectures in the lecture series hosted by the Dante Society of Westerly are live events only and are not recorded. They are neither streamed online nor available afterwards as recordings.

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